7 Things I am Grateful For

Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

1. Being asked by Diana to be in her Zumba video 2. Oprah Presents Master Class - Maya Angelou 3. Triscuits 4. Dancing free 5. Being the "best of the best" - as she said 6. Let your voice be free 7. 2 glasses of wine - a prize I won

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

1. Painting freely with bright colors, red, orange, yellow, blue, green 2. Getting on the train with my painting and getting compliments by a fellow painter "you've got talent", "that's a nice painting" 3. My friend's sister wanting to buy it, get a copy of it, put it in her home 4. Being asked to be in Diana's Zumba video 5. Getting my steps in for my Fitbit 6. Pandy is growing up! 7. Small coincidences and a small world! 8. A great informational interview with a truly nice person! - that's 8 for today!

Friday, April 04, 2014

1. Travel to Beverly Hills and Sonoma 2. International Film Festival preview 3. ODC modern ballet performance 4. Bay Area Cabaret and a new friend 5. Fitbit makes working out and walking fun 6. Tracking sleep too 7. Something to look forward to