7 Things I am Grateful For

Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

1. Rainy evenings in
2. Warm fluffy blankets
3. Space heaters on high
4. Something good on TV
5. No plans, no complications
6. Plans to take a cooking class in the future
7. Something simple for dinner tonight

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

1. Productive meetings
2. Hopping the cable car to dinner at the Carnelian Room
3. Hopping the cable car back home after dinner at the Carnelian Room
4. Cool CRO people
5. Filet mignon
6. Good laughs
7. Plans to make big changes

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1. Getting things done on my to-do list
2. Blockbuster DVDs I've been waiting to rent
3. SF MUNI buses
4. Shannon
5. Calls to my baby in the middle of the workday
6. Natasha Bedingfield
7. Dinner plans at the Carnelian Room

Sunday, January 27, 2008

1. My hard-working boyfriend
2. "Center Stage" on TV
3. Sun through the rain clouds
4. The Arts
5. Shrimp scampi made by my baby
6. High school friends right at my work
7. Being appreciated for my hard work

Thursday, January 24, 2008

1. Dang good sushi
2. Sam's Sushi in San Mateo
3. Running into Shannon in the elevator this morning
4. Walking to work & chatting
5. Getting my finances in line
6. My honey, my financial advisor
7. Starbucks caramel apple spice light whip

8. A handsome man who catches my runaway umbrella - that's 8 for today!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1. When people remember to ask about specifics in your life
2. Getting it together - finally!
3. Resolution to ongoing issues
4. Garden pesto pizza for free
5. Remembering that there are always things to be grateful for
6. 10% increase
7. Ability to push the envelope just a little

Monday, January 21, 2008

1. Clean San Francisco air after the rain
2. Enjoying my Caltrain ride home
3. Bus 38 to the Richmond District to have lunch with friends
4. Direct ride to Macy's
5. Using all of my Macy's gift card on new clothes
6. Everyday Italian with Giada
7. Plans to clean my place tonight

Sunday, January 20, 2008

1. A little time to myself
2. Pomegranate tea in the late afternoon
3. A good long holiday weekend
4. He understands women a little more
5. Gym time to work it through
6. Target
7. Valentine's decorations - pink and red

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

1. 24 Hour Fitness
2. Free towels
3. An open treadmill
4. My favorite little corner market
5. Plans to make my own spaghetti sauce
6. My little Christmas tree (yes, it's still up, lit and decorated)
7. My baby's Valentine's card from last year that says to me, "You are the best part of my life"!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

1. My baby
2. Morning :)
3. My ring from my baby
4. Costco crab legs
5. Edamame
6. Jasmine rice
7. Italian mineral water

Saturday, January 12, 2008

1. The Secret on CD
2. Ask, Believe, Receive
3. Bright, sunny days - finally!
4. 3 colorful slippers with supportive soles
5. Beige, lime green and light blue
6. A quiet night at home with my baby
7. Italian wedding soup made by my baby

Thursday, January 10, 2008

1. Staying inside from the cold rain
2. Space heaters
3. Compliments on my freckles
4. Blushing from it
5. Nice shuttle drivers who get me to and from work safely
6. 2008
7. Year of the Rat, baby!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

1. His patience with me
2. Arbonne products
3. Arbonne shopping
4. Contacts across the country
5. Friends re-connected
6. Believing in a product line
7. Bobby B.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

1. Stretchy pants
2. Elastic waistlines
3. New Year's with my baby nice & simple
4. Great memories of this past Christmas in Boston
5. Sweets with my baby
6. The Year of the Rat
7. 2008, baby!!~*