7 Things I am Grateful For

Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

1. Sunday at home resting
2. Roman
3. Talks about everything that has been happening
4. Relating
5. Plans to visit
6. Friendship and love
7. WaterWorld and screaming like a little girl

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

1. Getting it all out
2. Moral support
3. Lunch with Sunil S.
4. Talking about Titan
5. Funny Peruvian cousin
6. They have tickets!
7. Plans for WaterWorld

Saturday, July 15, 2006

1. Compliments on my photography
2. Creative outlets
3. "Everyday Italian" - I missed Giada!
4. Costa Rican coffee freshly brewed
5. Question picked as "featured"
6. Jacinda and the freedom she gives me
7. Kudos on my question

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1. Cool neighbors
2. Chatting over laundry
3. A half-way clean home
4. Unpacked bags
5. Letting the truth flow
6. Freedom
7. Feeling that it is all becoming so real now

Monday, July 10, 2006

1. A newfound appreciation for my home
2. Beautifully-worded birthday cards
3. July 6
4. Me and Giuliano
5. A week of bliss in his arms
6. Minkya
7. Love, morning noon and night