7 Things I am Grateful For

Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...

Monday, November 29, 2010

1. Homebody for 6 days
2. Warm inside
3. Hooked on 'Glee'
4. A whole day to myself
5. Dolma and noodle soup
6. Christmas tree and stockings
7. Holiday lights everywhere

Sunday, November 28, 2010

1. Sleeping at 3AM
2. Waking up at 11am, 12 or 1pm
3. Black stretchy pants everyday
4. Lots of time with my Baby
5. Lots of home cooked meals
6. No rushing and no crowds
7. One Christmas tree lighting

Saturday, November 27, 2010

1. Flower mart Christmas tree
2. Buying things I want at Trader Joe's
3. Sparkling apple and cranberry cider
4. Union Square Christmas tree lighting
5. Video games all night
6. Lots of OJ
7. Reindeer antler headband

Thursday, November 25, 2010

1. Ally McBeal marathon all day
2. Pumpkin pie & coffee for breakfast
3. Beautiful San Francisco Thanksgiving Day
4. Cranberries, squash, stuffing, green beans
5. Successful 1st turkey cooked by my Baby
6. Just the two of us
7. Staying up as late at will

Monday, November 22, 2010

1. Ichiban shopping
2. New pots & pans
3. Using $10 giftcards
4. Lunch together over Sorabol
5. Swimming leapfrog
6. Cable car ride to dinner
7. R&G salt & pepper crab

8. Sitting where Anthony Bourdain sat - that's 8 for today!

Friday, November 19, 2010

1. A little bit more
2. Glee Christmas songs
3. Left
4. Realizing it could always be worse
5. It could always be harder
6. Grateful for a little more peace
7. Embarcadero lights finally!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1. Getting through a trying day together
2. Top Chef Just Desserts
3. +1 RSVP to the finale screening
4. Yigit Pura and that smile!
5. Macaroon and shortcake cookie wrapped gifts
6. Chatting on the shuttle ride home getting to know a co-worker
7. Home cooked meal by my Baby

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1. Good, good rest
2. Sharing from a Costco run
3. Homecooked chicken, rice, broccoli
4. Hooked on "Glee"
5. Gwyneth Paltrow substitute
6. Dancing with the Stars 2 out of 3
7. Strength for Brandi

Monday, November 15, 2010

1. Yoga training
2. Lunch and dinner at home
3. Warm San Francisco in November
4. Huntington Park and Grace Cathedral
5. "Heaven" with Cate Blanchett
6. Exciting Dancing with the Stars
7. Love them Giants!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

1. Smoked salmon quiche
2. Chilled black tea
3. "The Pursuit of Happyness"
4. To know what it means to work and ACHIEVE
5. Pink and purple sunset sky
6. Appreciating life as it is now
7. Cable car ride home together

Thursday, November 11, 2010

1. Persimmon
2. Massage chair
3. Thursday almost Friday
4. Warmth of sleeping next to him
5. Linguini with baby clams and garlic
6. Dancing flower
7. Vin rosso by the very full glass

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

1. Time away in Waikiki
2. Beach swimming everyday
3. Clean uncluttered room
4. Beach towels to borrow
5. Nice service
6. Seeing the Profetto's
7. Taro and sweet potato chips

8. SF Giants World Series Champs - that's 8 for today!