7 Things I am Grateful For

Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

1. Weekends
2. Friday evening
3. Saturday
4. Sunday
5. Time to be lazy
6. Time to get a lot done too
7. Time with friends

Saturday, April 29, 2006

1. Finding a rental movie that I want
2. Excursions out to Fillmore Street
3. Bittersweet classic hot chocolate
4. Bus # 1
5. Quiet days at home to rest
6. Sun
7. An email from Giuliano, my love

Friday, April 28, 2006

1. Maps of Hawaii and Indonesia
2. Walks under a bright sun
3. Relaxation hour
4. Solutions to what seemed like problems
5. Lunches outside
6. Good belly laughs
7. Evening plans out at the Giants baseball stadium

Thursday, April 27, 2006

1. Days that are 70 degrees and sunny
2. No rain in the forecast anywhere!
3. Laughs out loud
4. Allan
5. Bart and shuttle
6. Realizing that life is good
7. Room to be pissed off when I feel it

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

1. Co-workers who let me be my silly self
2. Good laughs on the job
3. San Francisco festivals all Spring, Summer and Fall-long
4. Trader Joe's truffle chocolate brownies
5. L&L BBQ mixed plate
6. Good friends who want to visit me
7. 4:45 shuttles home

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

1. Plans to see the Giants play on Friday
2. Connie who always calls me when something fun comes up
3. Tuesday new rentals at Blockbuster
4. Yoga
5. Gym time
6. Fillmore Spring Stroll
7. Sharing digital pictures with friends

8. Friends who say I could make a living off of my pictures, that I have a "creative eye" for photography - ok, that's 8 for today!

Monday, April 24, 2006

1. Mellow Mondays
2. Plans to see Madonna
3. Purple chrysanthemums (sp?)
4. Little issues, quick resolutions
5. Communication with the other side
6. Surprise emails
7. Letting go

Sunday, April 23, 2006

1. Mellow music in the morning
2. Vulnerability of emotions
3. Green plastic grass patches
4. Freshly vacuumed home
5. Plans to walk around town rain or shine
6. Movies that speak the truth and leave an impression
7. Subscription magazines

Friday, April 21, 2006

1. Tickets to go see Madonna next month!!
2. A good work week
3. Free breakfast
4. Free lunch
5. Friday Friday Friday
6. Free drinks and snacks
7. One more hour

Thursday, April 20, 2006

1. No rain for a few days
2. A good working week
3. Emails from my love
4. Knowing that there is trust
5. Tests of my confidence that didn't work
6. Looking forward to future travels
7. Davies Symphony Hall

Sunday, April 16, 2006

1. Fresh haircuts
2. Tall, caramel apple ciders & conversation
3. Easter Sunday spent with a friend
4. Robert
5. Japanese food in generous portions
6. Drives around to all the familiar spots in the East Bay - Berkeley, College Ave, Rockridge, Piedmont, Emeryville
7. Swift walks home through downtown, always full of people & activity

Saturday, April 15, 2006

1. Farmers' markets in the Ferry Building
2. Travel-size umbrellas
3. Freesias in yellow and pink
4. Walks around town
5. Cool but no rain
6. Dinner plans for Easter
7. iTunes Music Store

Friday, April 14, 2006

1. MySpace commments & messages
2. New friends at work
3. People who let me be my silly self
4. MySpace friends & contacts
5. Walgreens
6. No rain
7. Friday, Friday, Friday... wooo! :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

1. Sunny and hot days
2. Gorgeous full moon over a clear night
3. Long walks aimlessly
4. N Judah going downtown
5. iPod nanos
6. Dwell magazine
7. Iced chai guy

8. Memories with a certain someone that still make me smile big! - ok, that's 8 for today!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

1. N Judah SF Muni line
2. Call to my love, Giuliano
3. A day out of the office
4. Home for Oprah
5. Everyday Italian at 4:30
6. Sex and the City on regular TV
7. Hotel reservations for Tammy's wedding

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

1. Shared experiences over a meal
2. Sweating it out with spicy food
3. Honesty
4. Cool neighbors a couple floors down
5. Red wine and laughs
6. Realizing truths about work & men
7. Messages of love from Giuliano

Monday, April 10, 2006

1. Slightly new directions
2. Emails from my old co-workers
3. Walgreens
4. Nice pharmacy man
5. Hallmark cards
6. Frequent flyer points
7. Packages waiting for me in the mail

Sunday, April 09, 2006

1. Lazy Sundays
2. Everyday Italian
3. Metal carts on wheels
4. Franks and beans
5. Early rising
6. Clean laundry
7. Cable cars full of tourists

Saturday, April 08, 2006

1. Beautiful sun-shiney days
2. A free Macy's fashion show in Union Square
3. My Giuliano, always
4. His sweet words
5. International calling cards
6. A full fridge of food
7. Lazy Saturdays

Friday, April 07, 2006

1. Maria
2. L&L BBQ mixed plate
3. Looking at the rain from inside
4. A welcoming smile
5. A free parking space
6. Travel plans
7. Catching up on emails with friends

Thursday, April 06, 2006

1. Fresh coffee in the morning
2. Shuttle naps
3. Quick strolls around the building
4. My first enrolled patient
5. Help from co-workers
6. People who finally follow through
7. Finding happiness on this side

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

1. Sunny, gorgeous days
2. Judy
3. Calls with good timing
4. Cesario's dinners and desserts
5. Seeing my old co-workers at the Fairmont
6. Walks around Nob Hill
7. The Bay Bridge and TransAmerica on a beautiful, clear night

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

1. Umbrellas that are travel-size
2. Shannon
3. iPod nanos
4. Portuguese bread
5. Trader Joe's
6. Talking with people who have commonality with you
7. Tangerine juice

Monday, April 03, 2006

1. Mochas
2. Funny doctors at work
3. Work neighbors who are a true blessing
4. MySpace comments and blogs
5. Tammy & Mike
6. Poki
7. Tofu salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, cilantro, green onions and sesame dressing

Sunday, April 02, 2006

1. iPod playlists
2. Fresh cut flowers
3. Lazy Sundays
4. Clean dishes/laundry/home
5. Tinkerbella
6. Less clutter

Saturday, April 01, 2006

1. The Takahashi Market
2. Strawberry-Guava Hawaiian Sun drinks
3. Bento meals
4. Any kind of musubi - spam, ume, salmon
5. A much-needed break in the rain
6. A much-needed call from my love, Giuliano
7. Tentative plans for him to come visit me again

8. A Tinkerbella bracelet made just for me! - that's 8 for today!