7 Things I am Grateful For
Mostly daily lists of what I am grateful for today...
Thursday, May 10, 2012
1. Zumba three times this week
2. Diana, Ana and Taina
3. Gym community
4. Work celebrations and events
5. Talking it out
6. Peace
7. Singing = happiness
posted by M @
8:54 PM
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Past Thanks
1. Swimming 2. Feels like flying 3. Latin dance...
1. Laughter with Glee's Jane Lynch at Grace Cathe...
1. Taking it easy finally 2. No real plans 3. S...
1. Forgot it was Thursday 2. Taking a break 3. ...
1. May 2. Done 3. Zumba release 4. Fatty 5. B...
1. In training all together 2. Tired but bonding...
1. A day to finally breathe 2. Coldplay seat upg...
1. French Quarter 2. Cafe du Monde beignets & ca...
1. Taking care of it2. Good transition3. UCSB a...
1. Red bean cakes2. Spam musubi3. Udon4. SF Ch...
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